We’ve been doing this for a while now.

A combined 10+ years of marketing experience in the digital world.


Hundreds of five-star reviews. Millions of dollars made for our clients. Based in Sunny Queensland. Servicing clients from all over the world.


A Google Ads account can look very overwhelming, so we have kept this as simple as possible.

Amount Spent: $1118.56
Amount Made: $55,163.50
ROAS: 49.32
CTR: 3.79%
Average Cost Per Click: $0.28


A Google Ads account can look very overwhelming, so we have kept this as simple as possible.

Amount Spent: $334.98

Amount Made: $10,092.48

ROAS: 30.13

CTR: 32.76%

Average Cost Per Click: $0.22


A Google Ads account can look very overwhelming, so we have kept this as simple as possible.

Amount Spent: $455

Amount Made: $8,379

ROAS: 18.39

CTR: 2.58%

Average Cost Per Click: $0.54


A Google Ads account can look very overwhelming, so we have kept this as simple as possible.

Amount Spent: $2991

Amount Made: $18,189

ROAS: 6.08

CTR: 22.84%

Average Cost Per Click: $1.47


Let’s be honest, not all Google Ads results are going to have crazy insane returns – some are nice and steady! We like to keep things transparent and honest with our clients. In this case study, we have finished on a return of 6.25 ROAS. The bottom line, they spent $2.4k on ads for the month and made $15k. Still great results! The remarketing campaign which is targeting their traffic and their competitors made $0. These campaigns are generally for brand awareness and convert much lower across the board. That’s why the budget is weighted differently. We’re only spending $1 a day and in return we got 5377 eyes on their brand! Overall a very happy long-term client in the food industry πŸ™‚ Have you had a Google Ads health check recently? We offer these for FREE with no obligations. A second pair of eyes never hurts, book now!

In 2021 Honey Digital made over seven million dollars for their Google Ads clients. We have a growing team, new services and are already on track to beat this amount in 2022.

We can’t wait!

Want a piece of the multi-million dollar pie?